I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. -Douglas Adams
Of course, my only deadlines with this blog are self-imposed. Perhaps that's why my last entry described a trip to Kashgar, and here I am living several thousand miles away in Yiwu. I've only been here for four days though, so cut me some slack.
Imagine that China is a vast banquet comprised of numerous exotic and unique dishes. Now imagine that I am an insect (a further stretch for some than for others). Here I exist, comfortably residing in a dish of moo-goo-gai-pan, getting to know my way around the sauce, veggies and noodles. Suddenly a giant pair of chopsticks pluck me from my dish and drop me into a large plate of duck's feet. Whoa! Whole new world.
OK, admittedly that analogy only goes so far. After all, it was me (the insect) directing those chopsticks. But bottom line, I'm back to square one on the familiarity scale. And I dig it!
My transition was actually quite abrupt. Usually upon leaving a place, I have an interim of weeks (often months) to travel, backpack, visit.... This time, I was checking out of my apartment and being driven to the Korla airport on Wednesday afternoon. On Thursday afternoon, I was being picked up at the Hangzhou airport and checking into my new apartment in Yiwu. I WANT MY TRANSITION PERIOD!
The following are excerpts from http://www.echinacities.com/
Yiwu is a mid-sized city in Zhejiang province, with a population of about 700,000. The city was originally founded around 222 BC, during the Qin Dynasty. Though it is not a big town by Chinese standards, it is disproportionately influential and powerful in China in terms of comprehensive economic strength, due to its status as one of the largest commodity centers in the country. A poster city for China's market economy, Yiwu produces a huge variety of cheap, good quality products that end up all over China and the world.
Yiwu sits almost entirely surrounded by mountains, and it is maybe because of this that it is often overlooked by visitors to China. It is true that this medium-sized city doesn't have the night-life or culture enjoyed in Beijing or Shanghai, but it has its own charms and sights that should provide the casual visitor with more than a few days distraction. It's often said that shopping is nothing less than a sport in Yiwu. If this is true, then the gigantic Yiwu International Trade City is Wembley Stadium and Madison Square Garden combined. Over 15000 stalls and a raft of shops are nestled in this purpose built, multi-story market where shoppers can buy just about anything. Of course the city also has traditional markets and shops including a bustling night market, which opens nightly on Santing Lu.
So, why Yiwu? You can bet it's not to start an import-export company. I accepted a job working at a college here, starting on February 10th. At the moment, I'm just snipping away at red tape and getting settled in at a leisurely pace.
My first full day here I saw the campus, met some of the school officials, got a phone card, set up a bank account.... The last three days have been spent aimlessly wandering. My first impressions are that Yiwu will prove an enjoyable mix of old and new China.
Although there are modern stores selling almost everything (I have cheese and coffee again!), I can turn down a narrow alley and suddenly be in a labyrinth of old shops, residences and food vendors.
Speaking of labyrinths, my apartment building is a 15-minute walk from the campus. It is a five-story structure, set in sea of identical five-story structures. Set me at the outskirts, put some cheese at my doorstep, and see if I can find my way home.
My fifth story apartment comes with computer, printer, television, washing machine, cooking appliances, etc.. It should do me nicely. And my computer was already loaded with software giving me access to current movies and TV series. House, 24, Numbers, Prison Break, Desperate Housewives....nice to see you all again.
Tomorrow I will have a physical examination and receive an official document to procure my new work visa. Then I may catch a two-hour bus to Shanghai and check out that city for a few days. On the 19th I have a flight from Shanghai to Bangkok, and three weeks to do some traveling, visiting and hedonistic living. OK, so I AM getting my transition period. It's just a little delayed.
I regret not being in China on January 26 for Spring Festival (although Thailand is no slouch at celebrating this holiday either). Typically refered to as 'Chinese New Year,' it is the oldest and most important festival in China. Huge numbers of Chinese (millions?) will travel the width and breadth of this country to be with family.
Now, although it doesn't fit the context of this entry, I want to express the appreciation I have for my time in Korla. I met many gracious people, and made some very special friends. And I will miss some of my young students very much.
In case I don't write before the 26th,
Xin Nian Kuai Le! (Happy New Year)
Chu Ru Ping An (May you be blessed with peace and safety wherever you are)
Safe travels all,
Smi Ling (my new Chinese name. Get it?)